Wellness Retreats in Peru by our Partners

Peru Sacred Places of Power Trip to Connect to Your Hidden Potentials with Initiation

This Trip to Peru is for those who are ready to experience their own soul, start the real connection, and to connect to their own powers and hidden potentials.

This Peru Retreat is designed for the seekers, the ones who are looking to find out who they are, the reason for their birth here on Earth, and what they need to do in this life.

This trip is for those who understand that something needs to be done and changed in their life and those who want to start the changes. It is for those who understand that they are not just their body with a brain, but much more than that.

The ones who will travel with us are the ones who understand that we all are Souls having a Human experience, not the other way around.

There are many ways to connect to your soul’s potential and you can start your road to happiness through achieving that connection.

It is hard to know where to start, and often people simply keep reading books, talking about it, and wanting to do it, but postponing the actual action.
You cannot become whole, you cannot connect to your powers, and you cannot understand who you really are by only reading and learning through someone else’s eyes.

Experience – this is the most important step to understanding yourself! 

Conscious experiences and practices are the way to a happy, healthy and meaningful life.

This is exactly what this retreat is offering to you.

For Russian Speaking Friends:

Путешествие в Перу по Священным Местам Силы  с Посвящением в Стихии и Обретения Своей Силы

Sacred Medicine Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, Emotional and Physical Detox Retreat 9 days – Holistic Center of Health and Happiness

What Will you Get at the Healing Plant Medicine Retreat

3 Ayahuasca Ceremonies- Monday, Wednesday and Friday 

1-2  Kambo Medicine Treatment

1 Huachuma (San Pedro) (optional – the experience can take the whole 12-24 hours)*

A series of medicinal plant baths to cleanse and strengthen your energy body

Ajo-Sacha tea diet to help body cleansing and detox, and induce dreaming;

Individual healing by the shaman during the Ayahuasca ceremonies;

Additional healing outside of ceremony if the shaman sees it is required

Group circle meetings where you can share your experiences, gain new insights from them and ask questions of our shaman.

Trip up the river to an Amazonian animal rescue center and a visit to the Bora tribe*

Daily Meditations, Lectures and Emotional healing consultations by Nina-Bastet;

Accommodation in the individual cabin (subject to availability prior to reservation) (or shared when 2 people are traveling);

Shamanic diet with tasty, nutritious and simple meals appropriate for working with medicine plants;

Private, 1-on-1 Integration Sessions, after your retreat

For Our Russian Speaking Freins:

9 Дней Аяваска Ретрит в Перу для Эмоционального Исцеления и Физической Детоксикации Организма – Центр Здоровья и Счастья